Sample translations



To give you a clearer picture of my translation skills and specialist fields, I have included a number of sample translations. For example, you’ll find a general text (on the Apollo spaceship and the moon), a monthly report for an investment fund and a code of conduct for employees at a listed company. I have also included a more unusual offering in the shape of a text on the Maradona interest rate theory, taken from a speech by Mervyn King, Governor of the Bank of England. Finally, for the diehards among you, an article on frontier markets which contains a nod to Star Trek.


Diego Maradona Dr. Spock Mervyn King Neil Armstrong

General text:

The Outpost (De Buitenpost)

Monthly investment fund report:

Monthly Report Orange European High Dividend Fund (Maandverslag Orange European High Dividend Fund)

Code of conduct:

Policy on Trading of Securities and Public Disclosures (Gedragscode inzake effectentransacties en omgang met koersgevoelige informatie)


The Frontier Markets (de 'ontluikende' opkomende markten)


The Maradona Theory of Interest Rates (de Maradona rentetheorie).